For centuries, mothers have instinctively known it works -- pick up young children and they'll stop crying... gently rub babies' backs and it's off to dreamland they go. Now scientists are also coming to recognize the power of touch -- and not just touch therapies such as reflexology, but simple acts such as giving a backrub, holding hands, sharing a hug or putting your arm around someone. With research demonstrating the healing power of touch, more hospitals are incorporating massage programs into care protocols for cancer and cardiovascular patients, among others.Tiffany Field, PhD, director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, has studied the benefits of touch for many years. Her book, Touch, reviews medical and sociological research on the importance of touch to good health and also argues that the Western world, including the medical profession, has marginalized and minimized its importance. |
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The magic of your touch
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